No DAD just a FATHER

I finally found my younger brother which is crazy. My father told me he moved to Texas when I was in the 3rd grade. That was the first time I met him. About a couple years ago I randomly asked my father “how’s my brother?” he said “oh he goes to Washington middle school.” I’m like “WHAT??? Since when did he move to Washington?” then my father replies “he’s been up here” So this whole time my brother has lived in Seattle only 2 blocks from where I use to live at OUR grandmas house. I don’t know how to even tell him. “hey I’m your brother.” he’s a freshmen in high school now at Garfield high. I’m mad because what if his mom is like “don’t worry about your brother or your dad.” I don’t know who or how his mother is I just want to reconnect with my little brother. I always wanted my little brother to be around me. Growing up… I was considered an only child because I’m my moms only child. I never was around my older sister on my father side. To me only a DAD can make a man. A mom can’t make a man she can only nurture a young man for so long. A DAD is someone who takes care of his kids, provides for his kids, show his kids how to be successful in today’s society, and just to set by example and be a man. Growing up without a dad is very hard for some. My father was always in my life but never there. I never knew where he lived or who he was with. When I would go with him for a weekend or what not he would take me to one of his ex girlfriends house. Luckily she loved me and her son was like a big brother to me. My dad would never be there or stay the night there. He’s never payed child support ever. My mom changed his balance to 0.00 $ which is ridiculous. I will never be like that. He kept me away from all my siblings when my mom went out of her way for her to try and meet and be around my siblings my whole life. It takes a man to be a DAD, a Father is just someone who had a kid never took care of them and is around but not there for his kids. In todays world there are a lot of fathers and not dads. I have tons of friends whose dads were around but not there. Kids take in so much they nee both parents that’s why it takes 2 to make 1. All in all
be a DAD not a FATHER.

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